The Cost of Financing Power Projects in Nigeria
Nigeria is in desperate need of constant electricity supply. Other African countries are facing same challenge of epileptic or inaccessible power, but only few among the 54 countries are responding to the huge setback with regional cooperation—the proven collaborative action towards increasing the capacity of generated electricity. Hydropower projects have…
Power is Vital for Economic Development in Nigeria
Nigeria is undergoing economic recession. But despite the inspiring short and long-term economic forecasts, the nation has a number of power supply challenges, many of which can be overcome with renewable energy. First among the available options is hydropower. However, the major problem with hydropower and similar large, capital intensive…
Where to find Professional Operation and Maintenance engineering services in Nigeria
Power supply in Nigeria has been on the decline for decades and this frustrating situation calls for urgent attention from the three-tier Government, which has little or no clue on how this problem can be solved. Electricity generation in the country earlier this week fell below the 4,000 megawatts after…
An Introduction to Operation and Maintenance (Q&M) Engineering
Operation and Maintenance Engineering is multidisciplinary in nature. It transcends the boundaries separating many disciplines of arts, emerging technology and science. Commonly abbreviated as O&M, this division of engineering focuses mainly on developing models, tools and methodologies required to provide high system dependability. Operation and Maintenance engineering also ensures efficient…